Type 2 diabetes is a common chronic disease that is affecting people at earlier ages. Fortunately, being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes does not mean it will affect you forever. With the proper tools and interventions, you might be able to reverse diabetes.
1. Don't Rely Exclusively On Medication
This does not mean you should not take medication for diabetes, but simply taking medication should not be your long-term goal. Many diabetics find they slowly need to increase their dosage of oral medications and may need to use insulin as their disease becomes more resistant to treatment.
The best mindset is to view your prescribed medication as a transition to leading a healthier life. Your medication is an invaluable tool to reduce the risk of diabetes-related complications until you can find a way to manage your blood glucose without help. Additionally, a bad mindset is to feel like your medication will undo the damage you do through eating. This logic also makes it harder to ever gain control over diabetes.
2. Invest In Home Glucose Monitoring
Depending on the extent of your diabetes and the medications you take, home glucose monitoring may not be necessary, but it is an invaluable tool in diabetes control. When you routinely test your blood glucose, it is easier to see how different foods, changes in weight, or even stress can affect your numbers. Many people avoid purchasing the products necessary for glucose monitoring because the daily expense can be significant.
Fortunately, if you are insured, many of these supplies might be covered by your insurance provider. Also, ask your doctor about any programs, such as those from major pharmaceutical companies that might offset the cost of testing kits and refills for your test strips.
3. Learn About Nutrition
Once you have been diagnosed with diabetes, it is best to receive nutrition counseling. Your family doctor can be a resource for nutrition information but ask for a referral to a nutritionist for more in-depth help. Many people erroneously believe they know what is healthy, but are surprised to find out they are making their blood glucose worse. For example, many popular breakfast cereals are marketed to people losing weight, but are high in sugar and make it harder to stick to a calorie deficit.
Your nutritionist will likely want you to be more mindful of your carbohydrate intake, whether this includes eating a low-carb diet or focusing on carbohydrates with less influence on your blood glucose. As you experiment with different foods, it will be easier to find out which foods do not adversely affect your blood glucose, while making it easier to stay satiated. Many people notice when they reduce the amount of sugar and simple carbohydrates in their diet, they are less hungry and also have better blood glucose levels.
Fortunately, most instances of type 2 diabetes can be controlled or reversed with major lifestyle changes. Making changes now may help you avoid higher doses of medication and the life-threatening complications associated with diabetes. For more information, contact your local family medicine clinic today!