Why Your Psychiatrist Might Recommend Transcranial Magnetic Therapy

Depression is a condition that many Americans struggle with. While there are lifestyle changes that you can make and talk therapy might help, you may find that your depression does not go away. However, there are more aggressive treatment options available such as transcranial magnetic therapy.

Targeting Depression Directly

With transcranial magnetic therapy, an electromagnetic coil is placed on your scalp in the right location. A magnetic pulse is then sent into your brain and stimulates nerve cells in the region of your brain that affects mood and depression. 

When you are suffering from depression, there are some areas of the brain that have less activity. A transcranial magnetic therapy service is able to activate these areas and is believed by scientists to help alleviate the symptoms of depression. 

Why Transcranial Magnetic Therapy is Safe and Effective

Transcranial magnetic therapy does not require surgery, is not painful, and you will be able to go home immediately after the treatment. You do not have to be sedated. Therefore, it's ideal because it is a non-invasive way to treat areas of the brain that are not responding to other treatments for depression. It is usually tried after you have been prescribed medication meant to treat depression and have been resistant to this type of treatment.

Options Available

There are several types of transcranial magnetic therapy services you are able to choose from. These include:

  • Deep transcranial magnetic stimulation
  • Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation
  • Theta burst stimulation

Deep transcranial magnetic stimulation is the oldest of these methods and you might choose it if you want to try something that is well-established. You will wear a cushioned helmet as it generates an electromagnetic pulse.

What to Expect

This treatment option will require you to attend sessions several days a week for several weeks. It is considered to be a very intensive treatment option. 

The technician is responsible for controlling the device and determining how intense the stimulation will be. The technician first targets the motor cortex so that the technician can find the stimulation coil and so they can also determine how intense the stimulation must be to achieve the desired effect.

The technician tries to find the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, which is believed to have the greatest effect when treating depression. In most cases, there are no side effects. Some patients experience headaches, but most patients simply experience a reduction in feelings of depression.

For more information on transcranial magnetic therapy, contact a company near you.
